XML assignments
Name: Benjamin Hiebert
Date and Time:
2016.3.28, evening
Location: my apartment
Subject: xml
- I continued to markup my assigned entries according to our protocols. I encountered a few issues
- It was mentioned in class the other day that users may be interested in the units of measurement that are used in the manuscript, so I decided to tag these. Sometimes, they are straightforward (e.g. "lbs. and "ounces") but elsewhere I wasn't as sure (e.g. "the size of a walnut", "a little", "small balls", "a lump"). Also, in one of my folios, a tool ( a "limbeck") functions as a unit of measurement. I ultimately decided to tag it as both as a tool and a unit of measurement, but it did give me brief pause.
- Also, I have an entry (p105v_3) that contains something that seems to be something like marginalia (it contains immediately to the right of the heading that says "see the 15th folio after this"), but it wasn't marked up as marginalia. Not knowing what to do with it, I merely marked it as a "block".
- I'm not sure how to markup entries that span two folios. At the moment, I'm dealing with this by including various attributes with the "entry" element, but I'm not certain whether this is the most effective/desirable way to take care of this.
Name: (Also the name of your working partner)
Date and Time:
2016.[Month].[Day], [hh]:[mm][am/pm]
Name: (Also the name of your working partner)
Date and Time:
2016.[Month].[Day], [hh]:[mm][am/pm]
- note time
- note (changing) conditions in the room
- note temperature of ingredients to be processed (e.g. cold from fridge, room temperature etc.)
- document materials, equipment, and processes in writing and with photographs
- notes on ingredients and equipment (where did you get them? issues of authenticity)
- note precisely the scales and temperatures you used (please indicate how you interpreted imprecise recipe instruction)
- see also our informal template for recipe reconstructions